Happy Freedom Day.

For those who remember 27 April 1994 and the first democratic elections in South Africa, some pictures of from the pages of history: above Peace Monitors on a small (but mighty)university campus in the Eastern Cape Province. This has been called the most monitored election in the world.

One of the polling places was the Great Hall on that same university campus. Lines were not as long there as in other places in the country but this was very early in the day. That election became world famous for the miles and miles of queues people stood in, patiently waiting to vote for the first time ever. The sign identifying the polling place in the above photo is in three of the eleven official languages of South Africa, and the major languages of the Eastern Cape region: English, Afrikaans and Xhosa.
Briefly a country balanced on the razor’s edge of right action. The impossible was possible for a lightening flash moment. It was Madiba’s Magic House.

Then. There.
