If, by making Red Pony temporarily lame, fate decreed that I couldn’t mess about in boats* during my time in Crescent City, at least I could mess about near boats. The harbour seems to provide mooring for a considerable number of fishing boats, in decidedly water ratty waters. Part of me was glad not to be in a sit on top kayak where one sits in a puddle of that which one is paddling in.

This fine gathering of boats was just a short walk from my hotel along the beach of the crescent shaped bay from which I understand this little northern Californian town takes its name.

From that same beach, not as pristine as the one I had visited earlier, I had a view of the lighthouse at Battery Point, visited the previous day. Yes it was still foggy even in the afternoon.

The harbor is on the walking and cycling friendly coastal trail, and displays some creative bicycle racks.

Well at least I think that is the purpose of the blue fish and red octopus installations. Could be they just exist as form alone devoid of secondary function.

There are also informational kiosks scattered about, telling of the history of the harbor and the various tsunamis the settlement has experienced.

The board telling the story of the tsunami after the Fukushima nuclear disaster was particularly detailed.

For someone like me who likes to know things (do research) about the places I’m exploring, these storyboards with their mix of graphics and words were a delight. I left Crescent City knowing way more about tsunamis that I had expected.

*“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” Water Rat to Mole in The Wind In The Willows by Kenneth Grahame (1908)